Clayton Antique Boat Museum Tour – Steve Leu and Leah Henry-Leu – 22 Jume 2024

Clayton Antique Boat Museum Tour – Steve Leu and Leah Henry-Leu – 22 Jume 2024

On Saturday, June 22, thirteen cars from UMN’s Optimist Club arrived in a light rain to gather for a tour of the Clayton, NY Antique Boat Museum. In collaboration with the Mid-State Miata Club from the Syracuse area, we saw nearly 50 people and 26 cars converge in Clayton, NY.

The drive down was completed with convertible tops down, yet no one got wet. Convoy 2 reached the border ahead of Convoy 1, prompting some good-natured laughter about the choice of routes—clearly, someone took a detour. Nonetheless, spirits remained high throughout the tour. 🙂

After successfully crossing the border, we convened at the local US Tim Hortons in Ogdensburg, NY. Once refreshed and snacked, we embarked in two convoys, navigating through some remarkable twisty roads that featured elevation changes as dynamic as the turns. The roads were intermittently damp, but fortunately, the rain mostly stayed away for the duration of our journey—except for a brief period when the tops were raised during a short shower. This route has certainly made it onto many members’ must-do lists for a sunny day.

We arrived at the Museum and were greeted by staff who had arranged roped off secure, free parking on the museum lawn. Both convoys arrived with the US club arriving between the two.

We enjoyed guided tours of the museum led by knowledgeable retired tour guides, known as “Docents” in the USA, a title for those who act as guides and educators in their institutions. The groups were divided, allowing members from both clubs to mingle and exchange stories. The museum is outstanding and makes for an excellent day trip from Ottawa.

After roughly two hours, we arrived at a superb restaurant and dined al fresco on the patio, enjoying an exceptionally well-coordinated and delicious lunch. Lee Maddy and Miriam White from the Syracuse Miata Club took charge of the food arrangements, and it’s beyond me how the restaurant managed such a swift service. It was undoubtedly Lee and Miriam’s expertise and planning that made it all possible!

After a late lunch some members headed home on their own while the remainder formed 1 convoy and took back roads back to Smith Falls where the tour ended

This is the link for the route from Tims in Ogdensburg NY

Thanks to George and Cindy Butts (the only others to have driven the route on a dry sunny day) Sweeps Keith Vodden and Debbie Myers , and Ramin and Sohini Famili

More fun adventures to come!

Steven Leu
