Opinicon Tour—Ron Buck and Sean Cantelon—July 9, 2024

Opinicon Tour—Ron Buck and Sean Cantelon—July 9, 2024

The biggest challenge in scheduling this tour was predicting accurate weather conditions. All of last week the predictions were like a seesaw and only on Sunday did it become clearer that the best of weather was going to be Tuesday, the original planned date. Last week, I looked at every option from Tuesday to Friday while trying not to obstruct Barrie Thomas’ ICR on Wed the 10th. Thus, my first thanks is to all who "hung in"!

On the day, there were 20 cars scheduled to depart which was reduced to 19 with a last-minute no explanation, no show. In the end there were 32 individual participants. That said, given the number of cars we were in two Groups and I had the pleasure to lead one with George Butts as Sweep with Sean Cantelon leading the 2nd with Barry Rowsome as Sweep. My great thanks to all three and especially Sean who, to be blunt, I press ganged to lead as this was his first full tour lead. Sean, as expected, you aced it! Bravo Zulu!

George, despite major radio difficulties, excelled as my Sweep until his radio made the task impossible which gave our President who has been recently sidelined to droolingly (not sure that is a word) jump in. Mike, I know Sweep is not your normal role but you did great until you lost your Group because I chose to change the route without telling you. My bad! I am also told that Barry behaved himself as Sean’s Sweep. It was also great that Linda Laframboise, a newly minted member, had the opportunity to participate including with CB courtesy of the largesse of Colin Carson. Thanks to both.

The tour began under cloudy but pleasant conditions until our morning bio break at Smiths Falls when there were a few sprinkles but not enough to require tops up. The outbound route had a mix of back roads, mild twisties and sweeping turns and became somewhat more challenging on Chaffey’s Lock Road arriving at Opinicon by both Groups at 1130/1140.

Lunch at the Opinicon was excellent with a superb venue but clearly our numbers presented a serving challenge but all good in the end. As usual, the Opinicon Ice Cream was the star of the show!

The star of the return route was the twisty, hilly North Lake Road.It was also reported that a Group 2 member went AWOL to sample the lower Opinicon Road loop (which will feature in a August tour) and actually rejoined his Group in Westport.

At the afternoon bio break, life for Group 1 became interesting as Wade Knight went to the rescue of a lady who crashed her car in the Tim Horton’s drive through! Luckily, professionals were on site. At about the same time rain arrived causing roofs up but not enough to dampen roads and Mike lost his Group because Ron made an early turn. All said and done, all who had not peeled off arrived at the Swan on the Rideau within 5 minutes.

I reiterate my thanks to all who participated and I hope all had an enjoyable day despite the occasional route aberrations.

Ron Buck